
kijiji-integrazioneKijiji ( is part of the eBay group, was born in February 2005 and is a free, local and open to all classifieds platform.

On Kijiji you can find multiple types of products in your city and get in touch with other people.

bindCommerce allows automatic dialogue with Kijiji, generating a file containing the offers to be published and sending it to an FTP area.

The ad site will automatically fetch the file from the same area to import the ads into its product catalog.

Thanks to the automatic procedures, it will then be possible to arrange the sending and updating of the advertisements automatically.

The first action to take to start configuring the integration with bindCommerce is to create the Kijiji node.

Sending ads to Kijiji

After configuring the advertisement publication parameters in the best possible way and matching categories, it is possible to create and activate the sending connector to Kijiji, which will generate a file containing all the advertisements to be published and will insert the same into the prepared FTP area.

In doing so, the ad site will fetch the file from time to time, through an automatic process, providing for the publication of new ads and updating of those already present.

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