The service allows you to manage different integration cases between WooCommerce and eBay.

Centralize catalog and order management on WooCommerce

The bindCommerce plugins allow you to choose which products to publish and keep synchronized, from WooCommerce to bindCommerce.

The plugin imports eBay orders to WooCommerce, where shipping management is centralized (automatically updated on eBay).

The inventory quantities are then kept synchronized considering WooCommerce as the warehouse master, deducting from the stocks, both the sales made on the site and those made on eBay

Integrare eBay con Amazon

Communication between eBay (multiple accounts and multiple markets) and Amazon (multiple accounts and multiple markets) takes place via the integration service provided by bindCommerce. All data, in fact, pass from eBay to Amazon passing on bindCommerce, where they can be reworked and enriched.

Gestionale per Amazon

You tried to sell your products on Amazon, and you realized that sales have increased, and that e-commerce can be a good investment. In addition to the increase in sales, however, the amount of work has also intensified, and all the activities necessary for the management of the marketplace.

The bindCommerce services are aimed at all companies that need to sell products through multiple channels: we refer both to companies that carry out retail sales, and to producers and distributors.

For the latter named bindCommerce allows you to automate the commercial dialogue with your sales network (traditional and online), and also with end consumers. Let's take a closer look at these additions.


bindCommerce s.r.l.

VAT Number IT07798861212 - SDI M5UXCR1
Registered in Napoli - REA: NA - 910618
Share capital € 20.000,00 fully paid
Tel: +39 011 089 122 0
E-mail: [email protected]

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