The bindCommerce subscription entitles you to self-service use of the system. The configuration is a necessary activity, which each user can carry out independently, being able to count on the assistance made available (included in the fee), and on the most advanced support options (optional), where it is possible to delegate bindCommerce staff to , in whole or in part, the configuration of the system. Each user can choose which methods to use in relation to their needs and their propensity to invest.

User guides
If you want to configure the system yourself , the right place to start are the bindCommerce guides. Reading the text guides and following the video guides (when available) it will be possible to face most of the configurations independently.
You don't need to be a programmer , but surely you need to have time and patience as bindCommerce is a very versatile system, and to manage articulated integrations the configurations to be set can be many.
All documentation is freely available with any type of subscription.

bindCommerce does not provide assistance via eMail through personal messages.
The tiketing system is used to coordinate all the specific assistance provided to users. Thanks to the tickets it is possible to trace the requests for assistance from their opening, up to the solution , managing the communication between the customer and the various professional figures who can manage the problem at multiple levels (integration technicians, programmers, managers).
Access to the ticketing system is free, but subject to restrictions on the type of requests and resolution priorities. The service becomes expensive (estimated from time to time) when the type of request could have been managed independently by the customer if he had trained appropriately and / or had dedicated the time necessary to analyze, plan and implement his own strategy of integration.

Remote support
Remote support allows bindCommerce staff to provide specific assistance to customers, in the context of training and dedicated support activities.
Thanks to appropriate technical means and authorization rules, it is possible to view the customer's screen and / or take possession of his desktop with the aim of making configurations on his computer and / or train it to use particular features.
Remote support can be supplied by appointment and is of a cost nature (priced by project or by time). We offer every new customer 1 hour of free dedicated support.

Project consultancy
The most complete way of working for configuration management is the "project" one. In this way the customer is offered certainty of result at defined costs .
The project configuration can concern the whole integration, or a part of it, or even the addition of functionality to the platform not foreseen by the development roadmap (and therefore made specifically for the customer).
After identifying the objectives and the boundary conditions, a sales employee will provide a detailed estimate where the results that will be achieved and the cost of the "turnkey" project will be described.
The bindCommerce staff are on hand to clarify any suggestions.