The integration with Prestashop allows the two-way management of products and orders (loading and unloading).
Starting from the data present on bindCommerce it is therefore possible to populate an initially empty site, or to withdraw the products present there in order to create listings on one of the marketplaces that dialogue with bindCommerce.
About the orders, it is possible to import sales made on PrestaShop, transfer them to an ERP, and then update the status of shipments on PrestaShop.
You can request that the initial configuration service be performed on a project basis by the bindCommerce team. We invite you to contact us to find out more about your needs.
PrestaShop, the e-commerce that gives numbers
What's this?
It is one of the most popular open-source solutions in the world, certainly one of those that show the highest growth rate, generating around two hundred and fifty new stores every day: PrestaShop.
Developed in 2007, PrestaShop is an e-commerce which today counts for daily traffic worth over thirty million dollars, with over one million downloads and three hundred thousand regular users.
How does it work?
The platform developed in PHP is presented in logic and in operation very similar to that of its main competitors in the CMS sector, such as WooCommerce and Magento. In particular, it makes use of resources that automate the installation and simplify management for both administrative and design purposes; an example above all is the availability of pre-packaged themes that can be modified by "drag & drop".
Is that right for you?
PrestaShop is usually used by an amount of people equal to the population of Iceland, but can it also be suitable for your purposes?
The logic of use, both in the management of products and orders, and in the field of design, is very similar to that of competing platforms and is positioned in an intermediate position between WooCommerce and Magento.
PrestaShop is certainly not the first platform that a novice user could recommend, but it still has a learning curve and technical resources that are inferior to solutions such as Magento or even a development from scratch .
What does it offer?
PrestaShop is an e-commerce solution within the reach of most users, freely downloadable without any cost or initial subscription and supported by a large and well-stocked community of guides and documentation.
In other words, it is a platform that can allow access to the ever-expanding world of e-commerce, greatly reducing the technological and economic entry barrier; in particular, the solution is suitable for individuals or companies who want to manage daily e-commerce activities in person and who have a long-term goal of sustainable growth .
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