Traduzioni ed arricchimento contenuti

bindCommerce has been designed to allow multilingual management, and in general multidescriptive .

Each product, as well as each; category and each manufacturer, are inserted for the first time in bindCommerce in the relevant tables, in that which is called "main description". In addition to the main description, unlimited alternative descriptions can be added, in the same language as the main description, or in different languages. Alternative descriptions are therefore used to manage not only translations, but also different ways to describe a product .

traduzioni multilingua eBay Amazon VirtueMart

From ERP to online stores

Take for example a company that enters its product database in the company management, using the wording on the purchase invoice as the product name. Normally these descriptions are very concise and are not suitable for describing the product commercially, besides the fact that the extended description is completely missing.

The first step may therefore be to draw up and enter a commercial description of the products (title and description) into the system. This entry can be managed through the bindCommerce interface, or more easily through a import file (first by exporting a file containing all the products, and then adding 2 columns with the title and commercial description to be re-imported in Excel, OpenOffice, Google Sheet or CSV format).

Assuming that you want to sell these products on it will be appropriate to give them a uniform format (in HTML), adding to the mere description, additional information on the conditions of sale, on the seller, on the brand, etc. The result of this elaboration, which can be carried out by applying a template, will be saved in the "eBay Italy alternative description".

Now let's assume that we want to sell our products on the international market, in countries where English, French, German, Spanish and Russian are spoken. For each of these languages it will be necessary to generate an alternative (e.g. French commercial description). Population can be performed in as many ways as possible: by entering the translations directly from the bindCommerce interface, performing automatic translations with the Google Translate connector, importing the translations written on a sheet electronic, or through a mixed approach: first by automatically translating to Google Translate, then going to refine the result through a manual revision (downloading the translations on a spreadsheet, where they will be revised, and reloading the revision in CSV format.

The integrations

The commercial descriptions in the various languages can therefore represent the starting point for further alternative descriptions, for the various eBay markets. Starting from the commercial description in French, by applying a special template, it will be possible to create the description for

In general, the alternative descriptions can be reused to populate each platform connected to bindCommerce: your own eCommerce shop or other marketplaces.

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