The integration between NewCart and BindCommerce consists in the transmission of products to BindCommerce and the download of orders to NewCart, so it is ideal in particular for the integration between your own NewCart E-Commerce site and the various Marketplaces with which BindCommerce is integrated.

NewCart is the first E-Commerce platform born in Italy, way back in 2001, and provides an easy, powerful solution, completed by an excellent support service to create your own E-Commerce site.
NewCart comes complete with domain and hosting (also scalable with dedicated hosting solutions) and the management of all technical aspects is included in the solution, which therefore does not require installation, updates, bug fixes, fine tuning, cyber security management, etc. thus freeing its users from the complex technical tasks that other platforms often impose, leaving them free to focus on the most important aspects, such as sales management and marketing.

NewCart is also integrated with many marketplace payment systems, management software, couriers and logistics services, online review services, social platforms, advertising platforms, communication platforms, etc. thus becoming the center of all the activities, systems and services that are part of your E-Commerce project.

NewCart includes a powerful and flexible product catalog import and export system that allows you to import and export data, even automatically at set times, in CSV format, very popular for this type of application, making it easy to import from various management software and other platforms, and also from countless suppliers, thus making it possible to manage dropshipping resale and vice versa, interface with various marketplaces, metasellers, advertising platforms, but also act as a dropshipping supplier.

In addition to the services included in the basic solution, NewCart also provides its consultants to create customized projects such as the creation of personalized graphic templates, the implementation of new features on request, the management of SEM Marketing campaigns (Google Ads, etc.) and Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.). In this way, sellers can have a single interlocutor with whom to interface for their entire E-Commerce project, in all its aspects, with maximum effectiveness.

If you wish, you can still request that the initial configuration service be performed on a project basis by the bindCommerce team. We invite you to contact us to discuss your needs in more detail.

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bindCommerce s.r.l.

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