
Premium bindCommerce functions are special features that allow users to be amplified, increasing integration, staff productivity and sales potential.

Below is the list of these features (in progress).

General Premium Features

  • Mass product recategorization
  • Order transformation: the function allows you to modify some fields of the order before exporting it from bindCommerce to the platform where it will be processed (e-commerce, management). Among the fields on which it is possible to act we find the billing data, the shipping data, the payment data. The function is very important in order management processes that involve the use of dropshipping.
  • SKU recoding: possibility to update advertisements that have been published on sales channels with a product code different from that used in bindCommerce
  • Derived products: management of kits and multipack packs 
  • Setting limits on the declared stock quantities: When sending warehouse stocks to eCommerce platforms and / or marketplaces, it is possible to specify advanced rules that, instead of sending the real quantities to the warehouse, transfer:
    1) The stock quantity limiting the maximum (e.g. max 3 pieces)
    2) A percentage of the real availability (e.g. 30%).
    3) A fixed preset value (e.g. 3 pieces)
    4) A value taken from an attribute (e.g. take stock from attribute-alpha)
  • Multi-warehouse management
  • VAT rate groups

Internal processing

  • Parametric attribute enrichment: Sets the value of an attribute by concatenating fixed strings and values from other fields (other attributes, product information, etc.)
  • Copy the value of an attribute from the variant products to the parent product with various options available (can check if the value is the same on all variant products, can save the result in multiple valuations or concatenate the values)
  • Copy category combinations from variant products to parent products, without checking that the category is matched to all variants of the product itself.

Premium features Danea Easyafatt

  • Use the notes field to enhance additional attributes compared to the 4 allowed by Danea
  • Automatic run of procedures at the end of execution of product import connectors

Premium eCommerce features

  • Download products with relative URL transformation into absolutes contained in HTML descriptions

Premium Shopify features

Premium eBay features

  • Generation of multiple advertisements for the same product
  • Generation of free insertions automatically including the shipping price
  • Download PayPal transactions

Amazon Premium Features

  • Report "Payment report"

Premium Cdiscount functions

  • Publications offered on Cdiscount Pro (Business To Business).



bindCommerce s.r.l.

VAT Number IT07798861212 - SDI M5UXCR1
Registered in Napoli - REA: NA - 910618
Share capital € 20.000,00 fully paid
Tel: +39 011 089 122 0
E-mail: [email protected]

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