Communication between eBay (multiple accounts and multiple markets) and Amazon (multiple accounts and multiple markets) takes place via the integration service provided by bindCommerce. All data, in fact, pass from eBay to Amazon passing on bindCommerce, where they can be reworked and enriched.
The integration between eBay and Amazon provides for the management of data relating to advertisements, such as title, images, descriptions, attributes. There are many implementations that can be made on bindCommerce, including:
- creation of descriptions for eBay, through the use of templates created exclusively for bindCommerce customers
- reworking of title and description
- import of additional descriptions
- import of additional attributes
- translation of title and description, through the use of the exclusive Google Translate connector
- generation of price lists for eBay and Amazon
- management of stocks destined for eBay and Amazon
In addition, it is possible to constantly update stocks and prices on both marketplaces. The update on eBay and Amazon can be easily managed through the use of automatic bindCommerce procedures.
Orders received on eBay and Amazon are conveyed to bindCommerce, and the integration also allows you to constantly update the order statuses, the courier and the tracking code, on both marketplaces.
The integration with eBay provides the possibility to download all the listings in the shop to bindCommerce, and to create the products in the bindCommerce catalog, to publish them also on Amazon. In fact, if you have an eBay shop already active, it is very useful to be able to use the existing catalog to start publishing on Amazon.
Furthermore, on bindCommerce it is possible to determine which items will be sold on eBay, and which instead will be published exclusively on Amazon. Filters on bindCommerce products allow you to choose which articles to publish, and on which marketplace.
For publishing Amazon listings, bindCommerce provides two different ad generation approaches. The first is intended for the publication of adverts already present on Amazon, while the second allows the creation of listings that have never been published on the marketplace. This allows you to manage the entire product catalog, without limitations, and in a massive way.
In addition, integration with Amazon also provides for the publication of products on Amazon Logistics (FBA), and the download of orders.
The integration of eBay with Amazon, through bindCommerce, also provides the possibility to manage the warehouse stock in a simple and fast way. Thanks to the specific stock control function, in fact, it is possible to determine the quantity of items destined for eBay and that destined for Amazon.
Why is bindCommerce the most effective solution to integrate eBay with Amazon?
- because it allows you to manage two marketplaces simultaneously, almost without manual intervention
- because it performs automatic updates, constant and crossed, both on eBay and on Amazon
- because it allows you to manage eBay and Amazon orders all on one platform (or on your management system)
- because it massively creates advertisements that meet the standards of both marketplaces
- because it allows you to save time and energy, and dedicate yourself to what is really important for your business
If you are looking for the ideal solution to integrate eBay with Amazon activate the bindCommerce service , it's free up to 100 items and 20 orders per month!
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