Gestionale per Amazon

Management system for Amazon

You tried to sell your products on Amazon, and you realized that sales have increased, and that e-commerce can be a good investment. In addition to the increase in sales, however, the amount of work has also intensified, and all the activities necessary for the management of the marketplace.

The need to manage sales on Amazon in a simpler, and possibly automatic, way is common to all businesses. Optimizing work, and automating some processes, is possible by integrating a management system with Amazon. The integration between a management system and Amazon in fact allows you to benefit from all the functions of the company management systems, automates many processes that would otherwise have to be managed manually, and saves time and energy to devote yourself to other aspects of your business.

Amazon offers tools to make sales management easier, however many tasks involve daily manual execution. Integrating a management system with Amazon instead allows you to speed up these processes, and to always have sales and orders under control.

What are the advantages of a management system?

Most of the company management have functions specifically dedicated to the most common business needs:

  • Management of supplier data registry
  • Customer data management
  • Product catalog
  • Management of orders from customers, accounting registration, payment and shipment registration
  • Orders to suppliers and billing
  • Print shipping labels, barcodes, addresses
  • Warehouse management (or more warehouses)
  • Sales analysis
  • Electronic invoicing (not all ERP have it)
  • Links to cash registers

The activities that are not foreseen by the management systems are those related to the sale on Amazon, the publication of listings and the download of orders.

Integrate a management system with Amazon

The integration of the ERP with Amazon allows you to implement the functions already provided by the management system, with others that are specifically dedicated to selling on Amazon.

  • Generation of listings already known to the marketplace
  • Generation of listings not known to the marketplace
  • Multilingual listings management
  • Publishing to multiple markets and multiple accounts
  • Warehouse stock management
  • Management of publication, updating and closing of listings
  • Publication of listings for Amazon Logistica (FBA)
  • Scarico degli ordini, completi di anagrafica cliente
  • Order status update, courier name and tracking code
  • Price list generation for Amazon, and multi-currency price lists
  • Complete automation for publishing / updating / closing insertions and unloading orders

The integration between ERP and Amazon solution is provided by the bindCommerce platform, which allows you to start and manage communication between various management systems and the marketplace. Furthermore, it is possible to allow the management system to interface simultaneously with other e-commerce platforms, such as eCommerce, other marketplaces and ad sites.

Find out if your management system is already integrated by bindCommerce, or contact us to receive more information.

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