The bindCommerce connectors used to download and upload orders allow you to choose whether to apply a filter to control which sales documents to manage, and which to exclude. The list of filters can be reached from the menu
Process >> Order Filter
To create a new filter just click on Add at the top left, choose the name to be given to the filter and the type of documents to be filtered, then click on SAVE AND CONTINUE to access the subsequent configurations.
The operator to be considered among the various filters is an AND (only the products for which all the inserted filters are verified are published).
If you want to use the OR, you can create multiple connectors with different filters applied (each one will run independently, so it is as if there were an OR operator among them).
Now let's analyze in detail the various types of filters that can be used.
Origin of the order
- Filter by order origin node?
- Node comparison rule
- Order origin nodes
- Business orders
From this section it is possible to select or exclude the nodes, i.e. the platforms integrated by bindCommerce, through which the orders have been created.
When the filter is used on order update connectors, it is not necessary to specify the node of origin, as it is applied by default.
Range temporale
Questo filtro permette di scegliere il periodo da considerare per lo scarico/carico. Sono impostabili valori in date, giorni, ore, o si possono selezionare tutti, ma non è consigliabile sia per quanto riguarda il carico a cui si sottopone il processo, sia se il connettore in questione è in una procedura automatica.
Se ad esempio la procedura si eseguisse una volta al giorno non avrebbe senso scaricare/caricare ogni volta tutti gli ordini possibili.
Time range
In this section there are multiple filters that allow you to consider the orders to download / upload based on multiple specifications:
- Consider only manually pre-selected orders? - Orders are selectable from the bindCommerce order list
- Export orders only once: this option allows you to export only orders that have not already been managed, keeping a record of the exports made
- Do you want to filter on the "Customer notes" field of the order? - It is possible to filter the orders according to the content of the notes, inserting only a part of the string in the field
- Filter by order status? - By activating this option, only the order states of your interest can be selected
- Filter by shipping status? - Field based on the valid evaluation of the shipping date. Allows you to consider only orders shipped / not shipped
Payment method
It is possible to manage the downloading / uploading of orders even based on the payment method present on them. Activating the option will load the comparison rule and the choice options
It contains preloaded options to manage orders based on the amounts present within them, for example the control over the value of the total amount.
Products destination
In this tab you can manage the order based on the shipping country. By activating the option, the comparison rule and all shipping countries will appear.
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