The WooCommerce integration offered by bindCommerce allows dialogue with any WordPress site using the WooCommerce plugin (versions 2.3.9 and later tested).
WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for the Wordpress content management system and is used by 24% of all eCommerce sites.
The ease of use and open source nature make it an extremely effective choice, especially if you are already familiar with the WordPress interface.
Thanks to bindCommerce it is possible to manage orders and products of your WooCommerce site in a centralized and secure way, also making it extremely easy to interface with Marketplace such as eBay or Amazon, management systems such as Quickbooks ... also with other popular eCommerce platforms (for example PrestaShop and VirtueMart).
The communication takes place through the tools provided directly by the WooCommerce platform in order to ensure greater reliability and compatibility even with future versions.
Furthermore, the communication is monitored by bindCommerce and made visible to the user through a log system, which allows easy management of the results.
The following configurations are required for the correct functioning of the system:
- WooCommerce node creation
- Download configurations from WooCommerce (Not required from version 3.0 onwards)
- Configuration of the connector for order downloading
- Configuration of the connector for downloading products from the website to bindCommerce
- Configuring the connector for publishing products on the WooCommerce website
- Configuring the connector for uploading orders to the website