Order unloading configuration
The integration of bindCommerce with AliExpress allows you to download orders from the platform. We will therefore have to create a configuration first and then a special connector.
To create the configuration, go to the menu:
Marketplace >> AliExpress >> Order download configuration
Click on ADD, enter the name you want and click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
At this point you will have access to the additional configuration fields:
- Filter by date of: select if you want to download orders by modification or creation date
- Make the request: select the type of time range to use, eg: for the last few days.
- Range [days]: value with a time range, eg: 10
- Delay[days]: optional field. Useful in case of further delay of the time range.
- Order status to consider: select which order statuses to import into bindCommerce.
- Order status for which to update the stock: select which order statuses will have to update the availability of the items in bindCommerce.
- VAT rate to be applied to the shipment: select a fixed rate to be applied to the shipment.
- Price list from which to withdraw the VAT rate: select whether the rate must be withdrawn from a price list.
Creation of order unloading connector from AliExpress
After creating the order unloading configuration, it can be associated with the appropriate connector. So go to
Process >> Connectors
and click on ADD at the top left and fill in as follows:
- Connector name: Enter a name to help identify the connector, eg AliExpress - Download orders
- Node type (Technology): Marketplace AliExpress
- Node: the AliExpress node previously created.
- Connector type: Marketplace AliExpress [Download orders on bindCommerce]
Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE to proceed with the display of the additional fields to be filled in.
- Connector configuration: Select the order unloading configuration from AliExpress previously created.
- Run the connector immediately? Yes/No.
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