The Cdiscount advertisements generated on bindCommerce and sent to the marketplace will be available in the appropriate section:
Marketplace >> Cdiscount >> Listings
For each listing it will be possible to check the data sent to the marketplace, the status of the listing and the response log message from the marketplace.
In fact, when there are no publications or anomalies, it is necessary to first check the status of the listings reported on bindCommerce and the related log message contained within it.
In this way it will be possible to identify the cause of the non-publication, and proceed with any changes and/or corrections that will allow the product to go online on Cdiscount.
In addition, a section is available on bindCommerce for product/offer publication jobs, that is, a table containing all the specific logs of the Cdiscount processes.
For each publication process started on bindCommerce, therefore, it will be possible to check the status of the process, the type, and the latest update. Also in this case, for any anomalies or problems encountered during the publication phase, we invite you to view this section to check the status of the processes which will provide an indication on how to proceed to resolve some problems.
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