To integrate ePrice using bindCommerce, the first step is to create the node, which will allow bindCommerce to communicate with the marketplace to carry out the processes of publishing and updating listings and downloading orders.
The first step is to retrieve the API key from the ePrice control panel.
To obtain it, you must log in to the ePrice account using your credentials, your registration email address will be displayed at the top right, on which you must click to access the "Account Settings" section.
From here select "API key" from the menu on the left to generate a key by clicking on the appropriate green button.
Node creation
At this point it is necessary to move to the bindCommerce platform and create a node for the marketplace.
From the menu:
Process >> Nodes
click on Add and fill in the fields as follows:
- Technology: select Marketplace ePrice
- Name: indicate the desired name
Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button to access the additional fields:
- ePrice API key: paste the API key generated on ePrice earlier
- Marketplace domain: select Production for active ePrice accounts, Pre-production for test ePrice accounts
- Use custom SKUs? - indicating NO, barcodes will be considered as SKUs instead of actual SKUs
there have been some cases where the API key generated by ePrice was not recognized and the execution of the connectors returned the message "Malformed". In this case, just regenerate a new key and replace it in the node with the previous one.
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