To ensure a correct publication of the advertisements, it is necessary to parameterize the conditions of sale for the buyers, such as the warranty and return conditions, the shipping conditions and the payment conditions.

It is possible to create the conditions directly on eBay and then recall them in bindCommerce, but it is also possible to configure the conditions on your bindCommerce account.
Note: The second method will soon be deprecated.

Method 1 (recommended). Use the eBay Selling Rules

It is possible to specify the warranty and return, payment and shipping conditions directly on eBay and then connect them to the bindCommerce connector via a configuration for operations on listings, a topic covered in this article:

eBay: Fixed price sale or auction

Rules can be created in eBay from the menu: Il mio eBay --> Inserzioni --> In corso --> Gestore delle Regole di vendita.

Per creare una nuova regola cliccare sul tasto Crea regola e poi selezionare il tipo di regola che si intende creare (pagamento, restituzione o spedizione).

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Configure the rule by specifying its name, any option that sets it as default and finally the desired details. Once the changes are complete, save the parameter.

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Finally, create the conditions of sale on bindCommerce, as indicated below, by activating the "Use of eBay rules" option within them. Doing so will show only the fillable fields if you use Method 1.

The names of the rules must be indicated in the configurations for the operations on the advertisements to be effectively applied.

Method 2. Configure the terms of sale from bindCommerce

During the process of eBay listing generation, which is managed through the appropriate connector, it is necessary to specify the conditions of sale for the listings that will be generated.

These conditions will be chosen from a closed list whose elements must be defined in advance. To create your own terms of sale, follow the instructions below

Warranty and Return Conditions

Reach the menu: Marketplace --> eBay --> Warranty and return conditions

At this point click on Add and fill in the form.

The information requested is as follows:

  • eBay Market
  • Configuration anme
  • Product return allowed?
  • Guarantee offered?


  • Return method: Refund excluding shipping costs / Refund or exchange (this field is not managed on the following markets: Austria, Belgium-Dutch, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland)
  • Period within which to return the item: 14, 30 or 60 days
  • Return cost: No return costs / 10% of the piece / 15% of the piece / 20% ofo the piece
  • Return description: detailed description on how to exercise the right of withdrawal
  • Who pays the return cost: Buyer/ Seller

Warranty and product condition

  • Warranty type: Paid by seller / Pad by manufacturer / Return if under warranty
  • Warranty period: 1 month / 2 months / 6 months / 1 year / 2 years / 3 years / more that 3 years
  • Product condition: it is necessary to select the appropriate conditions of the item according to the market and the category to which the item belongs. Normally the status New is allowed (which will be inserted in the listing even if no value is specified). In some categories different values are allowed; consult the correspondence table found in the menu:
               Marketplace → eBay → Common parameters → Product conditions
    to avoid making mistakes
  • From which field get a product condition description? - It is possible to specify a field from which to take the description of the product condition, which will appear in eBay just under the condition. The fields that can be selected include notes, free fields and attributes.

Payment terms

To create your own payment conditions you need to go to: Marketplace --> eBay --> Payemtn terms

AAt this point click on Add and fill in the form.

Consider that the Payment method group is repeatable: by clicking on the green + symbol it is possible to add new accepted payment methods.

For example the methods envisaged for the UK market are:

  • PayPal
  • Credit card
  • Payment on collection
  • Personal cheque
  • Postal order / Banker's cheque
  • Other

There are also fields to communicate your PayPal address, the cost of cash on delivery if specified in the payment methods and the option for immediate payment.

Shipping terms

To create your own shipping conditions you need to go to: Marketplace --> eBay --> Shipping terms.

After clicking on Add, the form to be filled in will appear in which the following data will be requested:

Common characteristics and palce where the product is located

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping1

Add the national shipping cost to the price and set free shipping (premium feature)

Selecting this option will generate listings with free domestic shipping for the cheapest domestic shipping method and the cost of the cheapest domestic shipping will be added to the price of the product. The other shipping methods (national and international) will be offered at a price equal to the difference between their cost and the cost of the cheapest national shipping.

National shipping

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping national

International shipping

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping international

Shipping cost management

bindCommerce can use several methods to manage shipping costs:

  • Use the price below: allows you to enter a fixed price, to be specified in the underlying record called Shipping cost
  • Use the 1st /2nd domestic shipping price specified in the price list
  • Usa the rate specified in the following shipping method

1st /2nd domestic shipping price specified in the price list

This option allows you to assign a fixed cost present in the price lists as shipping cost.

To set a fixed cost or update it there are two possibilities: carry out a CSV import or manually. To set a cost manually, the reference menu is:

Catalog --> Products

By entering the Prices tab of any product to which you want to assign the Shipping Price, you can change the desired price list by clicking on the pencil icon.

On the page that opens, on the National Shipping 1 and National Shipping 2 tabs, simply enter the desired value.

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping national prices

Use the rate specified in the following shipping method

This, of all, is the most versatile method to manage shipments.

After creating the shipping method, from the menu:

Shippings--> Shippping rates

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping rates

it is necessary to access the linked tariff table, where each tariff is determined by a weight range and a cost.

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping rates

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping rates1

The three options concerning shipping costs are always applicable from the menu:

Marketplace --> eBay --> Shipping terms

Just select the desired shipping method and, on the page that opens, under the item Definition of the national / international shipping cost, you can choose one of the three methods from the drop-down menu.

thumb ebay sales conditions shipping domestic cost

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bindCommerce platform
Creating a Web Server node to publish images
Product attributes
Price lists and prices
Alternative descriptions
Payment and shipping methods
Filter setting on products
Filter setting on orders
Multi warehouse
Differential approach
Internal processing
How to use templates
Template gallery
Creation and customization of templates
Responsive photo gallery in eBay description
Creation and activation of a connector to create/update alternative descriptions
Match categories
Update Price List
Dynamic currency conversion
Internal processing script
Attribute enrichment script
Barcode type calculation
Generation of derived products
Order transformation
Quantity rules
Distribution grid
Conversions and normalizations
Currency conversion
Order status normalization
SKU recoding
eBay integration
eBay nodes installation
Matching with eBay categories
Sales terms
Parameters for listing generation
eBay listing generation
Download listings from eBay
Fixed price sale or auction
eBay listing details list
Listing update
Early ending of listings
Responses from eBay and related logs
The automated workflow
Download orders from eBay
Download categories from the eBay shop and match with product categories
Matching of eBay categories international markets
Copy Manufacturer and MPN to Attributes
Amazon integration
Amazon node
Amazon listings and details
Creation and publication of products/offers to Amazon
Set up Amazon shipping templates
Products already on Amazon
Parameters configuration for preparing Amazon offers
Amazon offers generation connector
Creation of products already present on Amazon
New products publishing
Parameters configuration for preparing Amazon offers
Creation of products not present on Amazon
Amazon offers generation connector
Matches with Amazon categories
Selling on Amazon: Attributes tutorial
Clothing category tutorial
Shoes category tutorial
Responses from Amazon and related Logs
Download orders from Amazon
Order status update from bindCommerce
Amazon Business integration
B2B prices
VAT classification
Discounts for quantities
Amazon Business order download
Billing management
Upload invoices issued by Danea
Download invoices on Danea
Transfer of invoices issued by Amazon to Danea
Delivery preferences
ePrice integration
ePrice listings preparation
ePrice node installation
Sending ePrice listings
Download ePrice orders
Creation of sample product files
Orders update to ePrice
ManoMano integration
ManoMano nodes installation
Send listings to ManoMano
Download orders from ManoMano
cDiscount integration
Category matching
Shipping methods mapping
Cdiscount node
Couriers mapping
Publishing new products on cDiscount
Publication of offers on Cdiscount
Import orders from Cdiscount
Cdiscount problem fixing
Allegro integration
Allegro node installation and configuration
Create Allegro Category Matches
Publishing products on Allegro
Product update on Allegro
Import orders from Allegro
AliExpress integration
AliExpress node installation
AliExpress category matching
Publishing products on AliExpress
Product groups and AliExpress brands
Download orders from AliExpress
Wish integration
Wish node installation
Publishing products on Wish
Carrier mapping for Wish
Download orders from Wish
Order update on Wish
Zalando integration
Zalando node installation (CR)
Offers management on Zalando (CR)
Import orders from Zalando (CR)
Leroy Merlin integration
Leroy Merlin node installation
Leroy Merlin pairing categories
Export products on Leroy Merlin
Offers publication on Leroy Merlin
Offers update on Leroy Merlin
Delete products/offers on Leroy Merlin
Downloading orders from Leroy Merlin
Orders update on Leroy Merlin
Conrad integration
Conrad node installation
Conrad category matching
Product creation on Conrad
Sending offers on Conrad
Removing products/offers from Conrad
Update offers on Conrad
Import orders from Conrad
Order update on Conrad
VirtueMart integration
VirtueMart node
Download orders from VirtueMart
Upload orders on Virtuemart
Upload products on VirtueMart
Download products from VirtueMart
Download product link from Virtuemart
WooCommerce integration
WooCommerce node
Download orders from WooCommerce
Download configurations from WooCommerce
Uploading orders on WooCommerce
Product publishing
Import products from Woocommerce
Plugin bindCommerce for WooCommerce
Prestashop integration
Prestashop node installation
Uploading orders on PrestaShop
Download orders from Prestashop
Downloading products from Prestashop
Product publishing on Prestashop
Connector for downloading Prestashop configurations
Magento integration
Magento node
Download orders from Magento
Upload orders on Magento
Product publishing on Magento
Import of Magento products
Shopify integration
Shopify node
Products import from Shopify
Publishing products on Shopify
Download configurations from Shopify
Integration of Mlveda's Multi Country Pricing App
Download orders from Shopify
Upload orders on Shopify
OpenCart integration
OpenCart node installation
Publishing products on OpenCart
Download orders from OpenCart
Import products from OpenCart
Uploading orders on OpenCart
Ecwid by Lightspeed integration
App installation and connection
Publishing products on Ecwid by Lightspeed
Import products from Ecwid
Import orders from Ecwid
Export orders from Ecwid
Social Networks
Facebook Catalogue integration
Configuring the Facebook Catalogue feed
Price comparators
Google Shopping integration
Translation and content enrichment
Integration with Google Translate
Integration with Icecat
Payment systems
Integration with PayPal
Import files
File format
Data file import
API for developers
API node
Export Orders
Import Products
Export Products
Documents import
Shipping update (legacy)


bindCommerce s.r.l.

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Registered in Napoli - REA: NA - 910618
Share capital € 20.000,00 fully paid
Tel: +39 011 089 122 0
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