Download orders configuration

The integration of bindCommerce with ManoMano allows you to download orders from the marketplace.

thumb manomano orders1

To create the appropriate configuration go to the menu:

Marketplace >> ManoMano >> Order import configuration

Click on Add, enter the name you want and click on SAVE AND CONTINUE. At this point you will have access to the further configuration fields:

  • Select period to consider: it is possible to select the Today date value, to download only the orders created on ManoMano in the last day, or From date, to download orders starting from a specific date
  • Order status to import: select only the order statuses for which you want to import orders on bindCommerce, for example "Preparation" or "Pending"
  • Enable automatic order acceptance: this function allows you to notify ManoMano that the order received has been marked as "Accepted" and therefore the order can automatically switch to "Order in preparation"


Order download connector

To start downloading orders from ManoMano to bindCommerce you need to create the appropriate connector.

Go to the menu:


Process >> Connectors

and create a new connector, filling in the required fields as follows

  • Connector name: enter the name you prefer
  • Node type (technology): Marketplace ManoMano
  • Node: select the node created earlier
  • Connector type: Marketplace ManoMano [Download orders]

By clicking on SAVE AND CONTINUE you will have access to the other fields of the connector

  • Connector configuration: select the configuration created previously

Click on SAVE AND CLOSE. The connector is ready to be started manually, or can be inserted into a procedure.

Order update connector

bindCommerce also allows you to update orders to ManoMano, sending information relating to shipping to the marketplace.
The process does not require specific configurations, therefore it will be necessary to create the connector directly from the menu:

Process >> Connectors

click on Add and fill in the required fields as follows:

  • Connector name: enter the name you prefer
  • Node type (technology): Marketplace ManoMano
  • Node: select the node created earlier
  • Connector type: Marketplace ManoMano [Updateorders]

By clicking on SAVE AND CONTINUE you will have access to the other fields of the connector

  • Order Filter: Select a previously created filter. For detailed information on creating a product filter, please consult the appropriate Order Filters tutorial.

Click on SAVE AND CLOSE. The connector is ready to be run.

Listing publication configuration

Before being able to send offers to ManoMano, it is necessary to create a configuration to specify general information and information regarding couriers.

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We will find the section used for this purpose under the heading:

Marketplace >> ManoMano >> Listing publishing configuration

Click on Add and fill in the required fields:

  • Name: identifier to be able to remember later the function of the configuration
  • Price list to consider: the price list from which to take the prices to be applied to the any listing;
  • What price to publish: gross or net;
  • Where to get the available product quantity: according to the needs it is possible to decide whether to withdraw the quantity from the product table or whether to use other parameters;
  • Minimum purchase quantity: in this field it is possible to indicate a number corresponding to the minimum quantity required for purchase if different from 1;
  • Minimum additional quantity of the product to add to cart: in this field it is possible to indicate a number corresponding to the minimum additional quantity required to put in the cart;
  • Free returns for this product? - It offers the possibility to indicate whether any return will be free or not;
  • Web Server where to upload the generated file: in this field it is necessary to specify the web server in which bindCommerce will save the file containing listings. You will need to provide your ManoMano contact with the URL of the file to allow it to be imported;
  • Activate the use of a shipping cost grid? -The shipping costs grid can be activated and configured directly from the marketplace. If active, it must be specified in this field;
  • Part of text to be removed from the description: in this field it is possible to indicate a text string that will be used as a reference to truncate the text positioned after the string itself.
  • Select the alternative: option that allows you to take the description and title of the products from an alternative description previously created. To generate alternative descriptions, please view the appropriate guide.
  • Color: select the bindCommerce attribute from which the color value can be taken
  • Do a scale conversion?: select Yes if you have one or more scale conversions for the color attribute. To perform a scale conversion, it is advisable to follow the instructions provided in the appropriate Attribute Value Normalization guide

Scrolling further down you will find the last tab, specifically concerning the shipping costs grid.

This grid must be configured in ManoMano and the information entered in the marketplace must be indicated in the bindCommerce configuration.

  • Courier name: indicate the courier specified in the shipping costs grid on ManoMano;
  • Shipping time: enter a number that specifies the shipping time. In the case of two numbers, they must be separated by the character "#" to indicate a period of time.

If you do not use the ManoMano shipping costs grid, you can enter the following fields directly on bindCommerce, in the appropriate section of the configuration called "Courier and shipping costs":

  • Courier name
  • Shipping time: enter a number that specifies the shipping time. In the case of two numbers, they must be separated by the character "#" to indicate a period of time
  • Attribute from which to take shipping times: if you have a specific attribute to determine a different shipping time for each product you can select it in this field
  • Shipping cost VAT included: indicate the shipping costs (the value indicated will be considered valid for all products)
  • Additional shipping cost: indicate the cost of shipping for each additional item added to the cart
  • Shipping VAT rate: indicate an integer value (22, 10, 4, 0)

We point out that if the value indicated in the Shipping time field, or the one taken from the attribute, correspond to a unique number (for example 1, 2, 3) when importing offers, ManoMano will automatically add +2 days to the value indicated on the file. So, for example, if you send a shipping time equal to 1 for an article, on ManoMano the listing will be published with a shipping time equal to 1 - 3 days.

Once the configuration is complete, select SAVE AND CLOSE to make the changes made.


Category association

The management of the reference categories for each article is completely entrusted to the ManoMano algorithms.

The merchant_category field, which corresponds to the category the product is associated with on bindCommerce, must be filled in correctly, as well as the manufacturer codes and the EANs. In this way the ManoMano system will allow each article to be automatically associated with the most appropriate category.

Connector for sending listings

Once the rest of the configurations are finished, all that remains is to prepare the connector that will take care of sending the listings to ManoMano.

As for the creation of the node, the drop-down menu for processes opens, but this time the “Connectors” item is selected.

Within this page you can find the following fields to fill in:

  • Connector name: ener the name you prefer;
  • Node type (technology): in our case it is “Marketplace ManoMano”;
  • Node: the node we created at the beginning, which can be selected from a list of nodes related to ManoMano technology;
  • Connector type: to publish the offers we need “Marketplace ManoMano [Listing operations]”.

By clicking on SAVE AND CONTINUE you will have access to the further configurations:

  • Product filter: to create a product filter, we recommend viewing the specific Product filters guide;
  • Configuration: listing publishing configuration - select the configuration;

Click on SAVE AND CLOSE. The connector can be performed manually or inserted into an automatic procedure.


The installation of the ManoMano node allows you to connect bindCommerce to the platform itself, thus allowing the sale of products and the unloading of orders.

thumb manomano node1

To create the appropriate node it will be necessary to go to the menu:

Process >> Nodes

Fill in the required fields as follows:

  • Technology: select Marketplace ManoMano
  • Name: enter the name you prefer

Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE to access the additional fields of the node:

  • Username: enter the username ManoMano
  • Password: enter the password ManoMano
  • Parameters for the calculation of commercial profitability: optional fields

Once the configuration is complete, click on SAVE AND CLOSE to make the changes made final.


bindCommerce platform
Creating a Web Server node to publish images
Product attributes
Price lists and prices
Alternative descriptions
Payment and shipping methods
Filter setting on products
Filter setting on orders
Multi warehouse
Differential approach
Internal processing
How to use templates
Template gallery
Creation and customization of templates
Responsive photo gallery in eBay description
Creation and activation of a connector to create/update alternative descriptions
Match categories
Update Price List
Dynamic currency conversion
Internal processing script
Attribute enrichment script
Barcode type calculation
Generation of derived products
Order transformation
Quantity rules
Distribution grid
Conversions and normalizations
Currency conversion
Order status normalization
SKU recoding
eBay integration
eBay nodes installation
Matching with eBay categories
Sales terms
Parameters for listing generation
eBay listing generation
Download listings from eBay
Fixed price sale or auction
eBay listing details list
Listing update
Early ending of listings
Responses from eBay and related logs
The automated workflow
Download orders from eBay
Download categories from the eBay shop and match with product categories
Matching of eBay categories international markets
Copy Manufacturer and MPN to Attributes
Amazon integration
Amazon node
Amazon listings and details
Creation and publication of products/offers to Amazon
Set up Amazon shipping templates
Products already on Amazon
Parameters configuration for preparing Amazon offers
Amazon offers generation connector
Creation of products already present on Amazon
New products publishing
Parameters configuration for preparing Amazon offers
Creation of products not present on Amazon
Amazon offers generation connector
Matches with Amazon categories
Selling on Amazon: Attributes tutorial
Clothing category tutorial
Shoes category tutorial
Responses from Amazon and related Logs
Download orders from Amazon
Order status update from bindCommerce
Amazon Business integration
B2B prices
VAT classification
Discounts for quantities
Amazon Business order download
Billing management
Upload invoices issued by Danea
Download invoices on Danea
Transfer of invoices issued by Amazon to Danea
Delivery preferences
ePrice integration
ePrice listings preparation
ePrice node installation
Sending ePrice listings
Download ePrice orders
Creation of sample product files
Orders update to ePrice
ManoMano integration
ManoMano nodes installation
Send listings to ManoMano
Download orders from ManoMano
cDiscount integration
Category matching
Shipping methods mapping
Cdiscount node
Couriers mapping
Publishing new products on cDiscount
Publication of offers on Cdiscount
Import orders from Cdiscount
Cdiscount problem fixing
Allegro integration
Allegro node installation and configuration
Create Allegro Category Matches
Publishing products on Allegro
Product update on Allegro
Import orders from Allegro
AliExpress integration
AliExpress node installation
AliExpress category matching
Publishing products on AliExpress
Product groups and AliExpress brands
Download orders from AliExpress
Wish integration
Wish node installation
Publishing products on Wish
Carrier mapping for Wish
Download orders from Wish
Order update on Wish
Zalando integration
Zalando node installation (CR)
Offers management on Zalando (CR)
Import orders from Zalando (CR)
Leroy Merlin integration
Leroy Merlin node installation
Leroy Merlin pairing categories
Export products on Leroy Merlin
Offers publication on Leroy Merlin
Offers update on Leroy Merlin
Delete products/offers on Leroy Merlin
Downloading orders from Leroy Merlin
Orders update on Leroy Merlin
Conrad integration
Conrad node installation
Conrad category matching
Product creation on Conrad
Sending offers on Conrad
Removing products/offers from Conrad
Update offers on Conrad
Import orders from Conrad
Order update on Conrad
VirtueMart integration
VirtueMart node
Download orders from VirtueMart
Upload orders on Virtuemart
Upload products on VirtueMart
Download products from VirtueMart
Download product link from Virtuemart
WooCommerce integration
WooCommerce node
Download orders from WooCommerce
Download configurations from WooCommerce
Uploading orders on WooCommerce
Product publishing
Import products from Woocommerce
Plugin bindCommerce for WooCommerce
Prestashop integration
Prestashop node installation
Uploading orders on PrestaShop
Download orders from Prestashop
Downloading products from Prestashop
Product publishing on Prestashop
Connector for downloading Prestashop configurations
Magento integration
Magento node
Download orders from Magento
Upload orders on Magento
Product publishing on Magento
Import of Magento products
Shopify integration
Shopify node
Products import from Shopify
Publishing products on Shopify
Download configurations from Shopify
Integration of Mlveda's Multi Country Pricing App
Download orders from Shopify
Upload orders on Shopify
OpenCart integration
OpenCart node installation
Publishing products on OpenCart
Download orders from OpenCart
Import products from OpenCart
Uploading orders on OpenCart
Ecwid by Lightspeed integration
App installation and connection
Publishing products on Ecwid by Lightspeed
Import products from Ecwid
Import orders from Ecwid
Export orders from Ecwid
Social Networks
Facebook Catalogue integration
Configuring the Facebook Catalogue feed
Price comparators
Google Shopping integration
Translation and content enrichment
Integration with Google Translate
Integration with Icecat
Payment systems
Integration with PayPal
Import files
File format
Data file import
API for developers
API node
Export Orders
Import Products
Export Products
Documents import
Shipping update (legacy)


bindCommerce s.r.l.

VAT Number IT07798861212 - SDI M5UXCR1
Registered in Napoli - REA: NA - 910618
Share capital € 20.000,00 fully paid
Tel: +39 011 089 122 0
E-mail: [email protected]

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