Shopify is a platform for building ecommerce sites, based on the Ruby on Rails development framework, and is used by more than 120,000 online sellers worldwide.
Through the use of Shopify it is also possible to sell your products on some of the major social networks, such as Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
The ease of use and the clarity in the presentation of important information for the seller, make it the ideal platform to quickly create an online store in step with the times in the social age of the internet.
The integration with bindCommerce facilitates the management of orders and products making it centralized and secure, also allowing interfacing with marketplaces such as eBay or Amazon, management systems such as QuickBooks etc ... or even with other popular eCommerce platforms (for example PrestaShop and WooCommerce).
Communication takes place through the tools provided directly by the Shopify platform in order to guarantee greater reliability and compatibility even with future versions.
Furthermore, the communication is monitored by bindCommerce and made visible to the user through a log system, which allow a simplified management of the dialogue between the platforms.
The following configurations are possible through integration:
- Creazione del nodo Shopify.
- Scarico delle impostazioni generali del sito.
- Configurazione del connettore per lo scarico degli ordini.
- Configurazione del connettore per lo scarico dei prodotti dal sito a bindCommerce.
- Configurazione del connettore per la pubblicazione dei prodotti sul sito Shopify.
- Configurazione del connettore per il caricamento degli ordini sul sito (con o senza modifica delle quantità nell'inventario).