To download ePrice orders on bindCommerce, it will be necessary to create a specific configuration and its connector.
To create a new configuration go to the menu:
Marketplace >> ePrice >> Download orders
At least one unloading configuration must be created before you can proceed to complete the configuration of an order unloading node.
From here it is possible to set various parameters, such as:
- Configuration name: enter the desired name
- Search by: select Order Creation Date
- Search period range (in days): how many days in the past, starting today, to search for orders.
- Status of orders to be searches: it is possible to select one or more states in which the orders to be downloaded must be located. If nothing is selected, orders in any state will be downloaded.
- Order status for which to update the stock available: it is possible to select one or more states for which orders will have to be modified. If nothing is selected, orders in any state will be updated.
- In what currency will prices be displayed
- VAT rate to be applied to the shipment: utilizzata per calcoli interni, inserire il numero decimale relativo alla percentuale (es: 0.22).
- Enable automatic order acceptance: if set to Yes, the option will allow ePrice to receive confirmation of acceptance of the order automatically and the order will go to the status In preparation.
Order download connector
Once the configuration is complete, it will be necessary to create the connector that will take care of the downloading of orders from ePrice.
To create a new connector go to the menu:
Process >> Connectors
Click Add and fill in the fields as follows:
- Connector name: indicate the desired name
- Node type (technology): select Marketplace ePrice
- Node: the ePrice type node already created previously
- Connector type: select Marketplace ePrice [Download orders on bindCommerce]
Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE to access the additional fields of the connector:
- Configuration: select the configuration created above
Click on SAVE AND CLOSE. The connector can be performed immediately manually or can be inserted into an automatic procedure.
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