The handling of products in relation to WooCommerce nodes is bidirectional. It is not only possible to "fill the site" with the appropriate connector, but also to "pick up" the products on one site and then possibly publish them on another.
The product download may be complete with all data and images, or it may be an update of only some restricted data, such as stock availability.
The execution of the connectors can be activated in interactive mode, by clicking on the appropriate button, or be "automatically run" from a scheduled procedure.
Product import configuration
The product import configuration can be reached from the menu:
eCommerce >> Woocommerce >> Product import
To create a new configuration, select the Add button and fill in the fields as follows:
- Configuration name: enter the desired name
- eCommerce platform: select eCommerce Woocommerce
- Web Server for image storage: required field. Select the desired web server from those available. To create a web server node, refer to the specific technical tutorial.
- What kind of import to perform? - choose whether to import products or links to products
- From which language of the site to download: select the language of the site from which you want to import the products
General options
First you can choose if the connector will run:
- Creation of products in bindCommerce
- Modification of existing products in bindCommerce
For each of these actions, the following options are available.
Consider that to decide whether it is necessary to make a new insertion or an update of the products, the SKU code is used as the primary identification key.
The identification key of the categories used to manage the updates is constructed by appending the names of the categories in the main language, which will form a field called "keycat"; therefore, if a category is renamed or moved in the category tree, it will be identified as a new category (it will not be updated, but a new category will be created in addition to the previous one).
Options for create new products in bindCommerce?
The options relating to the creation of products not present are the following:
- enter product name, description, notes, size and custom options
- enter categories
- enter child products
- enter product - category matching
- enter manufacturer
- insert images
- enter prices
- enter stock availability
- insert category image
- enter metadata
- enter featured products
Options for modifying existing products on bindCommerce
The options for editing existing products are as follows:
- update product name, description, notes, size and custom options
- update child products
- delete product - category combination
- add product - category combination
- update manufacturer
- update prices
- update stock availability
- update product image
- update category image
- update category description
- update metadata
- update featured products
- set the quantity to 0 for products not present in the file
- mark as canceled and set the quantity to 0 for products not present in the file
- delete images produced NOT transmitted?
Finally, there is an additional premium option that is valid both in creation and in modification of the articles:
- Convert the relative URLs present in the description into absolute: it can be useful when you want to download products that have images inserted in the body of the description and saved on the database in the form of relative URLs, which would not be visible outside the site.
In this section there are some fundamental parameters to indicate for the correct functioning of the communication with the eCommerce platform.
- Are you sure you want to delete all existing references before importing new ones?? - Usually, it is good to use this option only in case of real need, for example if elements are manually deleted on WooCommerce and not on bindCommerce, as the latter would try to update elements using reference ids that no longer exist, generating an error .
- Download only matches for existing data? - Selecting Yes enables the download of matches only for data already existing on bindCommerce.
- Number of products to extract for each request: the default is 0 in order to import products with a single request, but if this should create problems, which usually occur when there is a lot of data to import, you can enter values other than 0 (ex: 100) in order to limit the load on the WooCommerce server.
- Product number from which to start for the import: it is possible to indicate a specific number, in terms of ordering, from which to start for the unloading, for example in the hypothesis of subdividing the operation by item step, to further optimize the load ( Ex: 0 - 100, 100 - 200, 200-300, ...).
- Maximum number of products to import: in this field you can choose a specific number of products to import by setting a maximum.
Default VAT rate to be applied to the downloaded products (if not set): here we can choose a default VAT rate to be applied to the articles we are going to download.
Alternative choice
Once you have chosen the options to perform, you can decide whether to save the data in an alternative to the product list. It is useful for managing, for example, alternative languages to the main one.
Creation of the unloader connector produced by WooCommerce
Remember that before creating the connector it is necessary to install the WooCommerce node on which the connector will operate. After doing this, go to the menu:
Process >> Connectors
and click on the Add button.
The following parameters must therefore be chosen:
- Connector Name: Choose a name to identify the connector
- Node type (technology): select eCommerce WooCommerce
- Node: choose the previously created node
- Connector type: choose eCommerce WooCommerce [Download products on bindCommerce].
Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE to access the additional fields of the connector.
The previously created import configuration from WooCommerce will be indicated in this field.
Product filter
In this section of the connector it is possible to choose whether, and which filter to apply, among those previously created following the indications given in the Product Filters tutorial.
Once the changes are complete, click on SAVE AND CLOSE.
The connector can be executed in interactive mode (by clicking on the button Run the connector immediately?) Or through automatic procedures.
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