Matching of product groups and AliExpress authorized brands
The integration with AliExpress involves the creation of correspondence with product groups and brands provided by the marketplace.
It is therefore possible to use the product groups previously created in AliExpress, importing them from the marketplace to bindCommerce. In any case, this is not a mandatory step, unlike the unloading of brands.
So go to the menu
Process >> Connectors
click on ADD and fill in the fields as follows:
- Connector name: enter the desired name
- Node type (technology): select Marketplace AliExpress
- Node: select the node created earlier
- Connector type: select Marketplace AliExpress [Download brands and product groups]
Click on SAVE AND CONTINUE. The connector requires no further configuration and can be started directly.
Starting the connector will allow you to download the product groups previously created through the AliExpress seller interface and the brands approved for the seller.
The downloaded product groups and brands will be visible from the menus
Marketplace >> AliExpress >> Product groups
Marketplace >> AliExpress >> Authorized brands
Now you can create matches from the menu
Marketplace >> AliExpress >> Product group matching
Click on ADD and fill in the fields as follows:
- Category bindCommerce: select the bindCommerce category you want to associate with the AliExpress product group
- AliExpress product group: select the corresponding product group
Click on SAVE and perform the same operation for all the bindCommerce categories for which you intend to make the match.
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