After configuring the Amazon node, you will be able to set up and download the orders received from all the marketplaces activated for your account.
Configuring options for downloading orders from Amazon
First you need to configure the downloading options by creating a configuration record by following the menus:
Marketplace >> Amazon >> Order download configuration
then click on Add and fill in the form.
The options that can be set are the following:
- Configuration name: is the name that will identify the configuration
- Marketplace: select only the marketplaces where you are a seller
- Order status: select the order status values you want to unload. Pay attention to the following states: Unshipped and PartiallyShipped as they must always be flagged together, otherwise an error will be returned; InvoiceUnconfirmed is only valid for the Chinese market.
- Shipping channel: Shipping by the seller or Shipping by Amazon (for those who have activated the Amazon fulfillment service)
- Price list from which to withdraw the VAT rate: select the desired price list
- Do you want to update existing customer data?
- Update inventory quantities for downloaded orders?
- Payment method: the option allows you to choose whether to show the default payment method Other or the method actually chosen by the user on the orders
- Waiting time to avoid Throttling: wait expressed in seconds for the request of the lines of each order to avoid Amazon throttling (blocking of the order unloading connector). The system automatically sets a wait of 12 seconds when there are more than 30 orders per process. You can choose whether to extend this wait or to keep it at 12 seconds if you do not exceed 30 orders.
- Filter by dates of: order creation or order modification.
- Make the request: select the range of dates or times you want to consider
- Width of range [days]: indicate an integer
- Search Delay: The connector will consider orders starting from the date corresponding to the number of days indicated in this field. For example, if you want to download an order 10 days before, enter the value 10 in this field and 1 in the Amplitude field of the range [days]
Configuring the Amazon order download connector
After creating the configuration, you need to create the connector that uses this configuration by following the menus:
Process >> Connector
then click on Add and fill in the form, where you can choose:
- Name: an identifying name, for example "Download orders from Amazon"
- Node Type: Marketplace Amazon
- Node: the previously created node
- Connector type: Amazon Marketplace [Download orders on bindCommerce]
and after clicking on SAVE and CONTINUE and waiting for the page to load:
- Run SKU recoding - Premium function. Allows you to manage the correspondence between the SKUs present on bindCommerce and the different (but corresponding) SKUs present on external platforms
- Connector configuration: choose the name of the previously created configuration from the drop-down menu
- Filter on sales documents: It is possible to apply a filter concerning sales documents on the connector. By doing this, bindCommerce will only send requests to Amazon for orders that fulfill the established criteria within the filter. It is illogical to apply this filter for nodes other than Amazon. Therefore, careful consideration is necessary when setting conditions within the filter."
Then click on SAVE and CLOSE
Can the connector created be executed by clicking on the Run the connector immediately button? - Or inserted in a timed automatic procedure.
The downloaded orders will be available on the menu
Sales >> Sales documents
By filtering by node it will be possible to access the complete list of Amazon orders downloaded on bindCommerce. If the orders are modified directly on Amazon, for example the shipment date or the Shipped status is entered, the new data will be sent to bindCommerce at the first execution of the connector, and the orders will be updated.
Order attributes for
Downloading of orders from the Amazon USA, Canada, Brazil and Mexico markets involves the calculation of duties on the total order. To allow you to view the amount of orders net of duties, held directly by Amazon during the purchase by the customer, it is necessary to set a specific attribute on bindCommerce, called AmazonTaxes.
To create the attribute go to the menu
Catalog >> Attribute >> Attribute list
Click on Add and fill in the fields as follows:
- Attribute type: Orders - exposed data
- Attribute name: AmazonTaxes
- Order key: AmazonTaxes
- Export key: AmazonTaxes
At this point, orders will be imported to bindCommerce with an after-tax amount.
To view the amount corresponding to the duties, already separated from the amount of each order, go to the menu
Sales >> Sales Document Attributes
The section contains a table where the amount corresponding to the duties will be reported for each order.
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